2024 Market Season is On!

Saturday Mornings, 8:00 – Noon

Our community of local family farms, food producers, artisans and crafters are back for another season. There’s coffee and music, and a place to visit with friends old and new.

Free Parking

Leashed Dogs are Welcome

Ste Marie

Farmers and Foodies

Farmers & foodies offer a fantastic variety of fare including delicious baking, wine and beer, fresh seasonal vegetables, organic meats, and more.

Meet our Foodies
Gerry Levesque


You’ll also find local art and craft made by artisans who love to chat about their work. Pottery, painting, photography, woodwork, textiles and more.

Meet our Artisans

Find Us in Downtown Sorrento

More About Our Market

Denise Griffiths – Market Manager

Welcome to our Market!! I am thrilled to be returning as the Market Manager for this 2024 Summer Season. This … Read more…

Member of the BCAFM

The British Columbia Association of Farmers’ Markets  is committed to developing and strengthening the capacity of farmers’ markets in all regions … Read more…

COABC – Certified Organic

When you see a ‘certified organic’ sign at the market it means the grower has been recognized by a certification … Read more…

BCAFM Grant-in-Aid

The Sorrento Village Farmers’ Market gratefully acknowledges the Grant we received from the BC Association of Farmers Markets for the … Read more…
SVFM Mural Project

Mural Project

In 2019 we transformed our storage box into a mural for everyone to enjoy year round. Artist Brian MacIsaac did … Read more…

See You Saturday!

8 am – Noon